Our membership year is for a full year from March till February. Although your membership will automatically be renewed each year. Should you wish to terminate your golf membership, a letter of resignation has to be received by the Club, one month before your intention to do so, otherwise you will be liable for the annual fee. We are committed to protecting your privacy impact and to ensure that your Personal Information is collected and used properly, lawfully, and openly for the following purpose: Golf Membership. We confirm that your Personal Information collected will be used and disposed of as is required by the Protection of Personal Information Act No. 4 of 2013 (POPI Act).

The name of the Club shall be SEASONS GOLF CLUB.


The objects of the Club are:

  • Primarily to provide ground and facilities to foster the game of golf.
  • To provide such amenities and services as may be desirable in the interest of the members and guests of the Club.
  • To supply food and refreshments and conduct social functions.
  • To do all things necessary or incidental to the running of the Club and the provision of facilities for other sports and amenities which do not conflict with the primary object of the Club.
  • To offer an unintimidating environment to all golfer.
  • To make golf fun and affordable.



The Rules of the Game shall be those of the Royal and Ancient Golf Club at St Andrews and such rules as may, from time to time, be framed by Season Golf Club.


Seasons Golf Club and it’s owners will have full powers to:

  • To erect, construct, maintain, improve, alter, demolish, replace, repair, renovate, manage or control any buildings, erections, or other improvements upon the land at any time owned by the Club, or over which it enjoys a right of occupation.
  • To acquire or dispose of any immovable property whether leasehold or freehold.
  • To develop and lay out grounds of the Club by the establishment of such gardens, and other facilities as are necessary to enable it to fulfil its objects, and to maintain and improve same.
  • To apply to any licensing authority for the grant to the Club of any license it may require for the proper conduct of its affairs, to accept transfer of any existing licenses, and to cede, transfer, amend or otherwise deal with the same, and to apply for the renewal thereof from time to time.
  • To do such other things in line with the law.


Membership of the Club may be granted in one of the following categories:

RED: Full Members

A Full Member shall be any person elected to be a Full Member of the Club and must be a resident of the Seasons Residential Estate


BLUE: Full Members

A Full Member shall be any person elected to be a Full Member of the club and shall be a person who, being over the age of 19 (twenty) within 3 months of the start of the financial year of the Club 


GREEN: Junior Members

Junior Member shall be a person who, being under the age of 19 within 3 months of the start of the financial year of the Club has been duly elected a Junior Member, shall be entitled to use of the Club facilities.


GREEN: Senior Members

Senior Member shall be a person who, being over the age of 60 of the financial year of the Club has been duly elected a Senior Member, shall be entitled to use of the Club facilities.



A person desiring to be a member shall submit a completed application form on the Seasons Golf Club website.

The approval of a member shall only be with the management of Seasons Golf Club.

Seasons Golf Club may call for references or additional information and take such steps and time as it deems appropriate to determine the suitability of the applicant.

No candidate who has been rejected for membership shall again be eligible for election until 6 (six) months have expired from the date of such rejection.

If the application is successful, the applicant shall become a member.



Membership of the Club does not and shall not give to any member of any category any right, title, interest, claim or demand in or to any of the monies, property or assets of the Club.



In the event of the Club being wound up, there shall be no liability incurred by any member other than in respect of unpaid subscriptions and any article or money owing to the Club.



The payment by or on behalf of a member of his or her first subscription shall be acknowledgement on the part of such member that he or she is bound by the Rules and Regulations of the Club, and that he or she accepts the ruling of the Seasons Golf Club management in all cases, and no person shall be absolved from the effects of the Rules and Regulations in the plea of not having received a copy of them.



Seasons Golf Club shall from time to time determine:

  • The entrance fee payable for each category of membership and shall have the right to decrease the entrance fee in particular circumstances of individual cases.
  • The entrance fee, if any, to be paid by a member who transfers from one category of membership to another.



  • Annual Subscriptions for Full Members are payable in respect of the Club’s financial year and shall become due in full on the first day of March of each year subject to the following:
  • The Annual Subscription for Full Members shall be such amount as Seasons Golf Club may from time to time determine.
  • All memberships will be automatically renew for the following year. A member must give written notice to cancel his or her membership, 30 days in advance.



  • Junior Members shall automatically progress to Ordinary Membership on attaining the age of 19 without having to pay an additional entrance fee.
  • A Member may on written application transfer his or her membership to another category of membership for which he or she is eligible.
  • Former members who have relinquished their membership of the Club for any reason may be re-admitted to membership.



The financial year of the Club shall end February each year



No committees at Seasons Golf Club



All notices and announcements will be communicated by e-mail to all members and be posted on the website.

A person desiring to be a member shall submit a completed application form on the Seasons Golf Club website.

The approval of a member shall only be with the management of Seasons Golf Club.

Seasons Golf Club may call for references or additional information and take such steps and time as it deems appropriate to determine the suitability of the applicant.

No candidate who has been rejected for membership shall again be eligible for election until 6 (six) months have expired from the date of such rejection.

If the application is successful, the applicant shall become a member.


Membership of the Club does not and shall not give to any member of any category any right, title, interest, claim or demand in or to any of the monies, property or assets of the Club.


In the event of the Club being wound up, there shall be no liability incurred by any member other than in respect of unpaid subscriptions and any article or money owing to the Club.


The payment by or on behalf of a member of his or her first subscription shall be acknowledgement on the part of such member that he or she is bound by the Rules and Regulations of the Club, and that he or she accepts the ruling of the Seasons Golf Club management in all cases, and no person shall be absolved from the effects of the Rules and Regulations in the plea of not having received a copy of them.

Seasons Golf Club and it’s owners will have full powers to:

To erect, construct, maintain, improve, alter, demolish, replace, repair, renovate, manage or control any buildings, erections, or other improvements upon the land at any time owned by the Club, or over which it enjoys a right of occupation.
To acquire or dispose of any immovable property whether leasehold or freehold.
To develop and lay out grounds of the Club by the establishment of such gardens, and other facilities as are necessary to enable it to fulfil its objects, and to maintain and improve same.
To apply to any licensing authority for the grant to the Club of any license it may require for the proper conduct of its affairs, to accept transfer of any existing licenses, and to cede, transfer, amend or otherwise deal with the same, and to apply for the renewal thereof from time to time.
To do such other things in line with the law.

SEASONS GOLF CLUB and The Facilities is subject to the provisions of the POPI Act. The personal information provided by you on this application form and the attached documents will be used to process your membership application. Failure to provide all the requested information may result in your application being rejected. You have a right to access and correct any of the personal information the Club holds about you.

The Club does not usually disclose your personal information to any other person or organization unless there is a legal requirement to do so. The Club may disclose some personal information about you to third parties that provide services under contract to the Club. These contracts require the third party to keep your personal information confidential and secure. An example of a third party who may have access to your information is the company that runs the Member booking engine.

Your personal information may be used by the Club for marketing purposes to improve our services and to provide you with the latest information about those services and any new related services and promotions.

Notwithstanding anything else in this statement, you may, at any time, advise us that you do not wish to receive any direct marketing communication. You may do so in writing by emailing or by visiting our Office. The opt out request will apply to all direct marketing material normally sent to you, except the Club’s Newsletters that will contain prescribed notices of meetings and other notices of changes required by law.

A copy of the Club’s Privacy Policy is available upon request from the Office.

By Signing the Member acknowledges having read and understood the above policy concerning all collection and retention of personal information about me.

All use of and presence on the golf course is at your own risk.

You are liable for all loss, injury and damage caused, or suffered, by you while you are on or using the golf course.

Seasons Golf Club and its owners, Trustees, employees and contractors are not liable for loss, injury or damage suffered, or caused, by any golfer and, to the fullest extent permitted by law, you (1) waive and abandon any such claims by you; and (2) indemnify them from any such claims that arise from your acts and omissions.

By using the golf course, you accept these terms.

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